For this project I wanted to create an interactive advertisement campaign, which utilises the engagement of the local general public in the search for local missing people. My idea would be to place images of a missing person on existing digital screens to create a sense of urgency within the community. The image would display a real-time counter to represent the time they have been missing. The campaign will be displayed over existing digital advertisements to create this sense of urgency. Each advert different, depending on the area and where the child is from. For example, if a child goes missing from Heaton in Newcastle, the images will be displayed in Heaton and the town centre of Newcastle. To compliment this, I created a platform within an existing trusted app – the BBC – who would donate to missing children charities to give the users a motive to download the app. This will be tailored to their location using the location and GPS services on the users phone, to keep the news of missing children local. I also created an interactive advertisement to capture the attention of the viewers; face recognition and front facing cameras are used to to detect the users eyes. When the viewer is not looking at the screen the campaign video pauses.


Video link: