Designed by:

George Grange

HomeLink was a home automation system which was connected to other programs in LifeLink. Using connected aspects like geolocation, NFC and mobile phone signals, the house acts in a way that the user sets using the LifeLink app. After some feedback provided on my original idea, it was made clear that home automation has already been done and my idea didn’t really stand out. So I pivoted and went down the route of an assisted home. This system was aimed towards those less able than most, to help them compete basic everyday tasks.

I wanted to create a system which was built into pre-existing objects and furniture which the user has in their own home. It's designed for potentially change sensitive subjects so it was important for HomeLink to be discreet. The system is currently run by arduino making it very cost effective and controllable.

For the prototype, I built a RGB lamp, RFID reader and IR emitter into a standard Ikea bedside table. At first glance you can't tell there is anything different about it aside from the power cable. I built a custom shelf to house the arduino board and it's accessories. Using high quality velcro I was able to fasten it to the roof of the table ensuring easy access when needed.

Since I was designing for a very specific audience, user testing on the right people was very important. In the video above I show the test with one boy with Downs Syndrome who received the product very well and provided valuable feedback with his comments and the way used my project