

Smart, customisable, voice activated companion and app that grows with the whole family.

Jibba Jabba

Designed by: Adele Brown & Fiona Jacques


Interviews, surveys, primary and secondary research were conducted to understand the user group and context. We also explored and evaluated existing reward systems and conducted ethnography and contextual studies to identify an opportunity.


Through our research we were conscious that the functionality of the app, would be predominantly aimed at parents rather than children. So when creating the prototype importance was placed on usability and creating a delightful experience. Hierarchy was given to the features and content, which we identified through testing, that would be used most regularly.

Physical Prototyping

By utilising the functionality of an iPhone 6, an Arduino Uno and a voice shield module, we were able to create a working physical prototype of the Jibba Jabba’s. We created foam models and a script which enabled us to demonstrate the polite voice interaction.

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The physical device

Jibba Jabba’s encourage the children to spend more time engaging with creative, language and physical activities rather than engrossed in a screen. The minimal design was influenced by focus group sessions, where we decided a more minimal approach would allow children to fill in the blanks with their imagination and suit a modern family home.

A parent and child app

Understanding the context of a busy home environment we placed hierarchical order on the main features of the app, making it as easy as possible to identify important information quickly. Users can monitor the child’s progress with activities, set routines for activities and trigger rewards. The only functionality for the child is a FaceTime, which reinforces the emotional connection create between the child and the physical device digitally.

Jibba Jabba

Another collaboration by us