

Seasons Fantasy Football

Designed by: Sam Poulter

  • Slider Image
  • Slider Image
  • Slider Image


Developed over the course of the several weeks. Primarily made using Adobe Illustrator. Inspired by a previous project, but not a continuation of said project.


Designed to showcase information in a quick and unique way. There is a strong emphasis on the use of icons to display information in conjunction with the more conventional ways of showcasing statistics. Designed following the guidelines set by Google in relation to Material Design.


Images are used throughout the app to create a sense of continuity and also to help with getting information to users as fast as possible. Using images of players and managers in action help to distinguish the app from the more conventional method of just showing players from the waist up, or a headshot.

Project Details

  • Creator: Sam Poulter
  • Date: May, 2017
  • Online: https://invis.io/H5BOEMMBQ

Seasons Fantasy Football is a new fantasy football game for the UK market, played in the Daily Fantasy Format. Seasons came about from noticing the immense, and seemingly always increasing popularity of daily fantasy sports in the US and wanting to create a game of that format in the UK. Daily Fantasy is different from traditional because it allows for players to enter into as many different contests as they like, each one being different from the last and also allowing them to have a different team in each contests. Seasons features statistics driven gameplay whereby scoring is a reflection of performances of players in the real world, and these stats can all be tracked from within the app, as opposed to having to find them elsewhere, outside of the app.

Seasons was designed from the ground up with the UK audience in mind, both avid fantasy football players and those who are new to the game, and concept of fantasy football. There is also an emphasis on the app being one that is played amongst friends, for fun, and not for money or to gamble. Of course those elements are present within the app due to the nature of it, but they take a backseat to the actual gameplay and the experience of competing.

Being that the majority of the fantasy football players in the UK play games that follow the traditional, season long format, ensuring that there were plenty of guides and information available to players unfamiliar with the Daily Format was crucial to its development. This resulted in the creation of several guides and tutorials to teach players how to play, and also a section of the App where they can play games for free to learn from playing, and hopefully gain some experience as well as confidence before playing in the proper games.