Ana Breso

Global Warming


This project is an interactive video animation about environment, to raise awareness for global warming, and what produces it. The target are kids, the graphics style and the script content, was created for them, although is useful for everyone.

The user has the option to choose one of the examples around globe, just by a step. Each video example tells us about how pollution affects to the environment and give us some tips.

The content of video consists of a conceptual earth glove view rotating with some objects popping up. These intros will work as menu, choosing an animation by step forward. The video have five different interactive examples to choose.

For this project I have used: Arduino UNO an ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 for read the user position, Processing code for video interaction + GSVideo 1.0.0 library, and for create the video animations I used a plasticine, After Effects, Photoshop and illustrator.