Pippa Batey



Appoint is a booking management system that provides patients with an alternative option for booking appointments. Patients can use the system via an iPhone or iPad app. The app allows the patient to book appointments with more availability, to request a last minute appointment (for that same day) and can also set alerts, use the map to search for health services and follow their GP’s newsfeed. The system is managed by a website that only staff can log into. The website allows the GP practice staff to set appointments, cancel or edit appointments and update the newsfeed. If staff cancel a patients appointment they will be sent a text informing them and offering an alternative appointment. To avoid any confusion between the original telephone system and the application, staff will be able to hold any appointments whilst on the telephone and then place the appointments back onto the app once finished. This concept aims to provide a solution, to a very current and large issue, for GP practices within Primary Care.

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