
NHS Donate Blood


Being a donator for a number of years, I wanted to streamline the process with the mobile app. However, this was far from true. The application was difficult to use, with a lot of time being wasted having to navigate through numerous menus to get to core functions.


The purpose of my redesign was to improve the usability of the application. I felt that the application had a selection of features which made the application harder to use than necessary, in addition to missing a couple of vital features. The aesthetics of the application were of a high enough standard that I did not need to focus on redesigning these.


Application usability, specifically the menu system and navigation within the application to streamline the processes for the users. For example, Booking A Session, something which is not clear at all within the current application.

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Screen Development

Throughout the project I did numerous itterations of the new sceens. From paper wireframing, digital mockups, to full colour representations.

Constantly itterating on the layout out of the screens, specifically the home screen and the menu to ensure that the core functionality, the users wanted most was easily avaliable. With the core aim of decreasing the time it takes for someone to load up the app, and book their next session, as this was the most favoured feature I found during my research.


Overall, I feel the redesign was a success. During testing of the prototype there was a vast decrease in the time it takes for the user to get to the section of the application they need and want. This was a result of a number of factors but primarily the streamlined menu. Which yes, isn't as aesthetically pleasing as it could be but it is highly functional and straightforward with little to no chance for human error, outside of a miss click.

The improved usability of the app can also be accredited to the removal of non vital information, the thousands of medical conditions and list of countries in the world. A secondary benefit of this would be the reduced size of the app, resulting in quicker download times and far superior loading times both of which are paramount today.