

The cube is made from a 25cm x 25cm cube that contains 5 mirrors infinity mirrors. The infinity mirrors are made up of 3 layers, back layer is a plastic, the middle layer is are the strip neon pixels and the front layer is transparent polystyrene.


The concept was designed with the idea that it would be developed further so that it could be used in sensory rooms for children with disabilities. Currently the cube would not be suitable because it is made out of wood and not a plastic that would have smooth corners.

Project Details

  • Project Name: Infinity Cube
  • Project Type: Experiential
  • Uni Year: 2nd

The concept is an interactive experience at more than one angle, ideal for sensory rooms. The infinity cube has 5 externally facing infinity mirrors that change colours when corner of the cube is touched. The light intensity of the mirrors also changes when the cube is tilted.

The project has 5 mirror so that all wiring to be hindden. There are piezo sensors placed on the frame so when they are touched all the colours of the neopixels of the infinity mirror would change colour depending on which piezo of the cube was touched. The colours can be changed to blue, green, purple and red.