Designed by:

Matt Hui, Nimesh Reghunandanan, Alex Robson

Virgin One Card is our idea to revolutionise banking for students by providing personalised student discounts based upon what they had recently been buying. Students can use our app to check their transactions, see recommendations for discounts similar to their purchases & earn loyalty points towards their favourite stores.

To make our discounts as user friendly as possible we create the accompanying Virgin One Card. By utilising upcoming technology we created a concept for an all-in-one card that would automatically apply your discounts whenever you make an eligible purchase with the card. With One Card you never have to remember which stores provide student discounts again.

Banks are in a unique position of being able to see what each of their customer likes to spend their money on, and so have the perfect opportunity to reward their customers with gifts they will be looking forward to. This personalised incentive is the perfect way to engage with students and make each customer feel unique and thought after.

The One Card can also store the data from any other card in your wallet into itself, letting you switch between your various cards with the push of a button. Sync loyalty cards, membership cards, credit & debit cards and anything else lying about in your wallet into the One Card effortlessly through the app. A crammed full wallet is now a thing of the past, One Card is all you need to leave your house.